
Since 2021, manonamora is the pen name I have been using to create and publish a multitude of Interactive Fiction games, and other experimental pieces.
My IF work is primarly choice-based, though I have taken an interest in the parser type of IF. I also enjoy experimenting with gameplay and try to break the traditional codes of IF.
In terms of story, I am most interested with interactions, whether it be between different characters or between the player and objects around them. I enjoy creating human stories, where the relationship between the player and its surrounding tend to be center stage.
Prior to the release of Meeting the Parents, I had no coding or game creating experience. So, I researched and taught myself the basics of game development and web design. Through continuous learning, I have released a dozen of games, experimenting with different genres, gameplay and coding format.
While I am most comfortable with Twine (especially the SugarCube format), I've taken on a challenge of trying other Interactive Fiction programs. As of now, I have dabbled with: Adventuron (hybrid), Ink (hypertext), bitsy/binksi (8-bit visual).
You can also find more on my IFWiki Profile.
French born, Internet based.
While my fall into the Interactive Fiction rabbit hole is fairly recent, I had been writing for as long as I can remember. From short stories to full novels (never published), I have shared the fruit of my creative endeavour since the turn of the century. While most of these have been scrapped from the multitude of websites I have visited over the years, the joy of writing has remained.
Having had no schooling in coding, I have taught myself HTML and CSS, as well as the multitude of IF programs tested (ranging from basic profeciency, to quite advanced). Since working with Twine, I have grasped the basics of JavaScript. I am also a self-taught in graphic design.
In my downtime, I take on the mantle of solo indie game creator, and put my writing experience to silly good use.
When I am not writing, you will find me with a book in my hands, any that managed to fall on my lap. My genres of choice are sci-fi and semi-historical literature.