Involvement in the IF Community

Since the start of 2022, I have been trying to be more involved in the Interactive Fiction community, in part as a wish to give back to the community that made me fall in love with IF and helped me build my skills.

From simply being a more active participants in smaller communities as a player, to taking a more driving approach with community moderation or event organisation, I have taken a handful of hats since walking on this path.

This experience, both as a creator and a player, has been quite interesting and invigorating, and helped foster my creativity. I've learned a lot both in game design and organisation, as well as improved my personal skills.

As another way of being more involved in the community, I started reviewing Interactive Fiction Games submitted to both Francophone and Anglophone competitions and game jams, as well as the occasional independent release.

I have also found an interest in Recording IF History and Archiving, by contributing both to the Interactive Fiction Database, and Wiki, focusing especially on the French side of IF History.