Open your Eyes, and Do Something... Anything...

Strange designs over your body, fingers attached to a wheel, and a vehicle approaching fast. An imminent crash. Will you manage to make it out alive?

Collision is a short horror interactive games created for the Neo Twiny Jam, with a total word cound under 300 words. Completed in less than a day, the game has garnered attention for its economical prose, its replayability and shock factor.


It took me just a few moments to figure out what was going on, but that grew into a mix of amusement and horror. Very well done.

- Brian Rushton

I love the visual effects on this, and how eerie of a setting you can create with so few words.

- ThrillSeeker

Even though I've played this through so many times the ending always makes me flinch. I know it's coming, but every time it's still so sudden.

- io

The two-word sentence descriptions work well for who you are and for the limitations of the jam. They make sure the descriptions of your actions aren’t too skimpy. Helplessness abounds.

- Andrew Schultz

The tiny game includes sound and text animation (which maybe be toggled off). Other content warnings include: crash.