In the year 3XXX, inside a ruin, you find an old computer, an antique from a past long forgotten.

Explore the delicate framework of the machine, go through its last working files, solve some puzzles and games to unlock its secrets, and maybe... find the truth?

DOL-OS is a sci-fi interactive game created for the 2023 edition of the Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone. It explore the concepts of Artificial Intelligence and its potential uses, organisational politics, and what is left behind.

Completed in the span of a month, this French game received praises for its unique visual design, its developed story, and interactivity.

As such, DOL-OS was voted Best Game of the competition.

A remastered version has been made available in September 2023, which included additional content, a redesigned UI, and an English translation.

DOL-OS won the Outstanding French Game at the 2023 IFDB Awards, and was also nominated in the following categories: Outstanding Game of the Year, Outstanding Use of Interactivity, Outstanding Science Fiction Game, Outstanding Twine Game and Trailblazer Award.


Engaging, thought-provoking, tense,… A very strong piece of IF.

- Rovarsson

A complex office/historical/sci-fi twine game with colorful UI.

- Brian Rushton

Faire une narration morcelée qui se base sur l'investissement de la personne qui joue est toujours un pari et ici il est gagné !

- Gavroche Games

Le déroulement est logique, mais suffisamment "compliqué" pour qu'on ne s'ennuie pas et qu'on soit satisfait de ses découvertes.

- Filiaa

This game includes ambient sound, animated elements, puzzles, and popups. Other content warnings include mentions of: violence, murder, execution, treason, cheating, abuse, alcoholism, injustice, artificial intelligence (concept), war.