What could go wrong with pretending to be strangers... ?

Zach and Irene decide to play a little game tonight. Will they break the rules?

(not so) strangers in the night is a short slice-of-life interactive game made for the ShuffleComp, whose assigned song - Lola + Joseph by July Talk - inspired the story. The entry also followed the rules of the SeedComp! and the Zach Jam, by taking elements of each event.

The particularity of this story is told through its POV shift with each choice or passage.

The game ranked 1st in Use of Song and 9th for Game Goodness at the ShuffleComp. It also ranked 4th in the Visual, 11th in the Atmosphere, and 17th in the Idea categories at the 2023 edition of the Finally Finish Something Jam.


The ending cracked me up. It felt like a realistic portrayal of a couple in this type of situation, with the not-so-romantic interruptions.

- officecyborg

The story is great, the alternation of points of view is fluid, in short I love it.

- BenyDanette

Very cool and fun way to interpret the song! I love the characterization of "Lola" and "Joseph" and the way their personas contrast with their real personalities. The POV switching works well in this story, and the font changes make it easy to read without getting confused.

- Dry Cappuccino

This game includes content warnings for mentions of: alcoholism, depression, fights, bad eating habits, (bad) food.